Saturday, May 17, 2008

Kitten Nursery vs. Kitten Romper Room

I've been neglecting my kitten duties this week. I'm teaching a summer class at noon, so I'm not available for the lunch feeding.

On Wednesday I was missing them terribly, so I visited in the middle of the afternoon even though it wasn't time for a feeding. Sarah has been keeping momma cat with a hand-picked selection of five kittens in the garage, while the rest of the kittens spend the day in the kennel in the kitten shed.

My first stop was the garage, where I sat on the cold, concrete floor and gave the momma cat some much deserved attention. The kittens, the smallest and youngest of the 14, eventually found my lap. The kittens in the kitten nursery play, but they don't take it very seriously. If one kitten happens to roll into the sight of another, you might see some light batting and biting, but they easily lose interest and are more apt to fall asleep than to pounce.

When I moved to the kitten shed, I sat on the wood floor, opened the kennel door and watched the chaos ensue. The fat furballs came tumbling out pouncing, biting, and zooming across the shed floor. I couldn't believe how much they had grown and how active they had become in the three days since I'd seen them. It was total madness in that shed. The kitten romper room is not for the faint of heart.

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